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May 24, 2024

5 Rare Cobblemon and Where to Find Them

5 rarest Pokemon exists in Cobblemon.
5 rarest Pokemon exists in Cobblemon.

Explore the exciting world of Cobblemon by hunting down some of the rarest and most elusive creatures. In this post, we’ll guide you through the 5 rare Cobblemon and provide tips on where to find them.

Legendary spawns are completely random in Cobblemon.GG, and it will be shared in the chat within random time periods, so keep your eyes focused on catching those insanely rare Cobblemon / Pokemon!

1. Mythical Cobblemon: Mew

  • Description: Mew is a mythical Cobblemon with the unique ability to learn any Technical Machines (TM) or Hidden Machines (HM), making it incredibly versatile in battles. Its balanced stats allow it to fill various roles, from attacker to support.
  • Unique Abilities and Moves:
    • Ability: Synchronize (passes on status conditions to the opponent)
    • Signature Moves: Psychic, Transform, Aura Sphere
  • Strategy Tip: Utilize Mew’s wide move pool to surprise opponents with unexpected strategies, adapting to different battle scenarios.

2. Legendary Cobblemon: Articuno

  • Description: Articuno is a majestic Ice/Flying-type Cobblemon known for its powerful ice attacks and graceful appearance. Its high special defense makes it an excellent special tank in battles.
  • Unique Abilities and Moves:
    • Ability: Pressure (increases opponents’ move PP usage), Snow Cloak (raises evasion in a hailstorm)
    • Signature Moves: Ice Beam, Blizzard, Roost
  • Strategy Tip: Combine Articuno’s Ice Beam with a hail setup to maximize its evasion and offensive capabilities.

3. Rare Cobblemon: Dragonite

  • Description: Dragonite is one of the most powerful and rare Cobblemon in the game, known for its incredible stats and versatile move set. With its dragon and flying typing, Dragonite is formidable in battle, boasting high attack and special defense.
  • Unique Abilities and Moves:
    • Ability: Inner Focus (prevents flinching), Multiscale (halves damage taken when HP is full)
    • Signature Moves: Dragon Dance, Outrage, Hurricane
  • Strategy Tip: Equip Dragonite with moves like Dragon Dance to boost its attack and speed, making it a fearsome opponent.

4. Rare Cobblemon: Snorlax

  • Description: Snorlax is a rare and extremely tanky Cobblemon with high HP and defensive stats, making it a great addition to any team. Its Normal typing gives it only one weakness (Fighting-type moves).
  • Unique Abilities and Moves:
    • Ability: Immunity (prevents poisoning), Thick Fat (reduces damage from Ice and Fire-type moves)
    • Signature Moves: Body Slam, Rest, Hyper Beam
  • Strategy Tip: Use Rest and Sleep Talk to keep Snorlax healthy while still dealing damage during battles.

5. Shiny Cobblemon: Gyarados

  • Description: Shiny Gyarados is a unique and rare variant of Gyarados, distinguished by its red coloration. Its Water/Flying typing and high attack stats make it a formidable physical attacker.
  • Unique Abilities and Moves:
    • Ability: Intimidate (lowers the opponent’s attack), Moxie (boosts attack after knocking out an opponent)
    • Signature Moves: Waterfall, Dragon Dance, Earthquake
  • Strategy Tip: Set up with Dragon Dance to boost Gyarados’s attack and speed, then sweep through opponents with powerful physical moves.

Additional Tips for Finding and Catching Rare Cobblemon

  • Use Status Moves: Moves that induce sleep, paralysis, or freeze can make it easier to catch rare Cobblemon.
  • Time of Day and Weather: Some Cobblemon have higher spawn rates during specific times of day or weather conditions. Keep an eye on the in-game clock and weather.
  • Preparation: Carry a variety of Poké Balls, including Ultra Balls and Timer Balls, to increase your chances of a successful catch.