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Sep 21, 2024

Best Cobblemon for Support Roles

Best Cobblemon for Support Roles
Best Cobblemon for Support Roles

In Cobblemon, it's easy to get swept up in the excitement of assembling a powerful offensive team, but equally important are the support roles that can make or break your battle strategy. Support Cobblemon often provide healing, tanking, or buffing abilities that can keep your team in fighting shape, hold the line against powerful foes, or set up game-winning plays by increasing your Cobblemon’s stats. Whether you're in a tough PvP match or exploring challenging PvE dungeons, these support roles are essential for maximizing your team’s effectiveness.

This guide will walk you through the best healers, tanks, and buffers in Cobblemon, explaining how to use them strategically to get the most out of your support roles.

Why Support Roles Matter in Cobblemon

In most battles, the focus tends to be on powerful attackers, but without proper support, even the strongest Cobblemon can fall victim to well-placed status effects, overwhelming damage, or long, drawn-out fights. That’s where support Cobblemon come in. Healers keep your team in top shape, tanks absorb the brunt of enemy damage, and buffers give your offensive Cobblemon the edge they need by boosting their stats. Together, they ensure that your team remains resilient and adaptable.

When building a well-rounded team, it’s important to include at least one or two strong support Cobblemon to create balance and synergy.

Healers: Keeping Your Team in Top Shape

Healers are invaluable for keeping your team alive during long battles. They can restore health and sometimes remove harmful status conditions like paralysis, burn, or poison. Effective healers should be able to withstand damage while providing much-needed recovery for themselves and their teammates.

1. Chansey

  • Healing Moves: Soft-Boiled, Wish
  • Role: Chansey is an absolute powerhouse when it comes to healing. Its enormous HP pool allows it to take damage and heal itself or its teammates. Soft-Boiled restores 50% of its max HP, making it a self-sustaining tank, while Wish can heal another Cobblemon on the field.
  • Tactics: Chansey is ideal for stall teams, where the aim is to wear down opponents over time. Use Chansey’s healing to keep your walls healthy and ensure longevity in battle.

2. Togekiss

  • Healing Moves: Roost, Wish
  • Role: Togekiss is a dual-purpose support Cobblemon. Not only can it heal itself with Roost, but it can also heal teammates with Wish, making it a versatile healer. Its Flying/Fairy typing gives it defensive utility against several common threats.
  • Tactics: With the added bonus of Thunder Wave, Togekiss can cripple faster opponents, giving your team time to heal or set up for the next move. It’s perfect for teams that need a healer with a bit more offensive presence.

3. Alomomola

  • Healing Moves: Wish, Heal Pulse
  • Role: Alomomola excels in healing teammates with moves like Heal Pulse and Wish. Its massive HP pool ensures that it can transfer large amounts of healing to other Cobblemon.
  • Tactics: Alomomola is best used in doubles battles where Heal Pulse can heal an ally directly. Pair it with a defensive tank for maximum effectiveness.

Tanks: Absorbing Damage and Controlling the Battlefield

Tanks are designed to take heavy hits and keep standing. These Cobblemon have high defenses, allowing them to absorb damage and disrupt your opponent’s strategy. Tanks are typically the backbone of any good support team, as they can withstand hits that would KO most attackers.

1. Snorlax

  • Tanky Moves: Rest, Body Slam
  • Role: Snorlax is one of the most resilient tanks in Cobblemon, with a huge HP pool and solid defensive stats. Moves like Rest allow it to fully heal while Body Slam adds a chance to paralyze opponents.
  • Tactics: Snorlax is a stalling machine when combined with Leftovers or a healer like Chansey. It can outlast offensive threats and whittle down opponents with status effects.

2. Umbreon

  • Tanky Moves: Wish, Protect, Toxic
  • Role: Umbreon is the king of passive damage and defensive stalling. Toxic slowly chips away at your opponent's health, while Wish and Protect allow Umbreon to heal while staying safe. Its naturally high defenses make it hard to knock out.
  • Tactics: Umbreon is ideal for wearing down bulky opponents. Toxic combined with Protect is a deadly combination, especially when Umbreon’s Wish healing is factored in.

3. Ferrothorn

  • Tanky Moves: Leech Seed, Protect, Iron Defense
  • Role: Ferrothorn is a defensive powerhouse. With its Iron Barbs ability, it punishes physical attackers, and moves like Leech Seed allow it to regain health while whittling down the opponent’s. Ferrothorn’s high Defense and Special Defense stats make it a tough wall to break through.
  • Tactics: Ferrothorn is perfect for defensive teams. Use Leech Seed to wear down multiple opponents while stacking Iron Defense to become nearly untouchable by physical attackers.

Buffers: Strengthening Your Team for Victory

Buffers are Cobblemon that focus on enhancing your team’s stats. They can boost offensive stats like Attack and Special Attack, or defensive stats like Defense and Special Defense. By setting up buffs, they allow your other Cobblemon to hit harder, take less damage, and sweep through opponents more effectively.

1. Clefable

  • Buffing Moves: Calm Mind, Cosmic Power
  • Role: Clefable is one of the most versatile buffers in Cobblemon. Calm Mind increases its Special Attack and Special Defense, making it both a stronger attacker and harder to take down. Cosmic Power boosts both its physical and special defenses, turning it into a tanky support option.
  • Tactics: Clefable can act as both a buffer and a sweeper. Once it’s boosted enough with Calm Mind, it can hit back with strong special attacks like Moonblast, all while staying durable with its defensive boosts.

2. Blissey

  • Buffing Moves: Calm Mind, Light Screen
  • Role: Blissey excels at setting up special defenses for the team. Calm Mind boosts its Special Attack and Special Defense, while Light Screen halves damage from special attacks for five turns.
  • Tactics: Blissey is particularly useful in teams that are weak to special attacks. It can set up Light Screen to shield the team from strong special attackers and use Calm Mind to boost its offensive capabilities.

3. Bronzong

  • Buffing Moves: Reflect, Light Screen, Stealth Rock
  • Role: Bronzong is a supportive Cobblemon that excels in setting up dual screens (Reflect and Light Screen) to reduce incoming damage from physical and special moves. It also has access to Stealth Rock, which chips away at opposing Cobblemon whenever they switch in.
  • Tactics: Bronzong’s combination of defensive stats and utility moves makes it a valuable asset in teams that need a defensive backbone. Use it to set up screens and hazards to control the battlefield.

Final Tips for Building a Support Team

When creating a support-focused Cobblemon team, it’s essential to balance between healers, tanks, and buffers. A well-rounded team will have Cobblemon that can heal themselves and their teammates, tank hits from both physical and special attackers, and provide key stat boosts to turn the tide of battle.

  • Mix Roles: Consider Cobblemon that can perform multiple roles. For example, Togekiss can both heal and provide status disruption with Thunder Wave, while Clefable can buff and tank simultaneously.
  • Synergy is Key: Pair Cobblemon that work well together. Tanks and healers can be paired to stall out opponents, while buffers and sweepers create devastating combinations.
  • Adapt to Opponents: Some Cobblemon are more effective in certain battle formats or situations. Be flexible with your team composition depending on whether you’re facing PvE dungeons or PvP battles.

Conclusion: Why Support Cobblemon Matter in Every Team

Support Cobblemon are often the unsung heroes of any battle. While attackers get the glory for delivering the finishing blow, it’s the support roles that ensure your team stays healthy, buffs your key attackers, and tanks through tough opponents. By incorporating these top healers, tanks, and buffers into your team, you’ll be better prepared for any battle Cobblemon throws your way. Whether you're taking on challenging PvE content or facing off against skilled PvP opponents, the right support team can make all the difference.