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Dec 23, 2024

Cobblemon Evolution Stone Ore

Cobblemon Evolution Stone Ore
Cobblemon Evolution Stone OreCobblemon Evolution Stone Ore

These ores drop evolution stones when mined with a regular pickaxe. If you use Silk Touch, you’ll get the ore block itself. Any pickaxe at least as strong as stone will do the job, and Fortune helps you pick up extra stones. Smelting an ore with fuel gives you its matching evolution stone (Fire Stone Ore becomes a Fire Stone, Water Stone Ore becomes a Water Stone, and so on).

Where they show up depends on the biome. Each ore has certain biomes where it spawns a lot, and others where it’s more rare. They usually turn up between levels -64 and 320, but you’ll see more of them from level 64 to 192. Moon Stone Ore is a bit different—it’s found mainly in dripstone pillars inside Dripstone Cave biomes and spawns pretty often in those spots.

If you collect enough of a certain stone, you can craft a full block of it. For example, placing nine Fire Stones in a 3×3 crafting grid makes a Fire Stone Block. This works for all evolution stones—just swap out the type you want. You can then use those stones (or blocks) for evolving your Cobblemon, decorating, or anything else that might need them.