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Dec 28, 2024

Cobblemon Pokemon Spawn Locations

Cobblemon Pokemon Spawn Locations

Biomes in Cobblemon guide where different creatures pop up, and it’s pretty fun once you understand the pattern. Every part of the map has its own vibe—think dense jungles, scorching volcanic areas, peaceful rivers—each home to specific Cobblemon that love those conditions.

Jungle Adventures
Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur make their home in thick jungle areas. They seem to enjoy all the leaves and vines, so your best bet is searching deep in the greenery.

Hot and Fiery Spots
Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard appear in blazing biomes like Basalt Deltas or other hot, volcanic zones. Their fiery nature matches those molten landscapes, so gear up if you plan to explore.

Life by the Water
The River biome is where you’ll run into water-loving Cobblemon like Squirtle, Wartortle, and Blastoise. They show up any time, usually near or in the water. Keep your eyes open around the riverbanks.

Forest and Plains
Caterpie and Metapod often crawl around forest floors or might even hang out in the treetops. Sometimes they show up more when the weather changes, but the safe bet is to explore among the tall grass and trees.

Making the Most of Each Biome

  1. Timing is Everything: Some Cobblemon prefer day or night, or certain weather conditions. A quick check on what time they spawn can help you avoid long hunts.
  2. Gear Up: Volcanic zones can be dangerous, so protect yourself. For wet areas, maybe bring water gear to move faster.
  3. Know the Land: Spend a bit of time noticing the layout. Spotting unusual paths or hidden sections often leads to new Cobblemon.

That’s the big picture for understanding how biomes and spawns connect. Once you recognize which Cobblemon show up in each area, it’s easier to find what you’re after and fill your team with exactly the creatures you love. Enjoy exploring!

Pokémon Biomes
Bulbasaur Jungle, Tropical Island
Ivysaur Jungle, Tropical Island
Venusaur Jungle, Tropical Island
Charmander Hills, Volcanic
Charmander Nether Basalt
Charmeleon Hills, Volcanic
Charmeleon Nether Basalt
Charizard Hills, Volcanic
Charizard Nether Basalt
Squirtle River
Wartortle River
Blastoise River
Caterpie Forest
Caterpie Plains
Caterpie [Valencian] Jungle, Tropical Island
Caterpie [Valencian] Floral Meadow
Metapod Forest
Metapod Plains
Metapod [Valencian] Jungle, Tropical Island
Metapod [Valencian] Floral Meadow
Butterfree Temperate
Butterfree Floral
Butterfree [Valencian] Jungle, Tropical Island
Butterfree [Valencian] Floral Meadow
Weedle Forest, Jungle
Weedle Bumblezone
Kakuna Forest, Jungle
Kakuna Bumblezone
Beedrill Forest, Jungle
Beedrill Bumblezone
Pidgey Temperate, Sky
Pidgeotto Temperate, Sky
Pidgeot Temperate, Sky
Rattata Grassland
Rattata Overworld
Rattata [Alolan] Overworld
Rattata [Alolan] Spooky
Raticate Grassland
Raticate Overworld
Raticate [Alolan] Overworld
Raticate [Alolan] Spooky
Spearow Badlands, Savanna, Sky
Fearow Badlands, Savanna, Sky
Ekans Arid
Ekans Nether Desert
Arbok Arid
Arbok Nether Desert
Pikachu Forest
Pikachu Beach, Tropical Island
Raichu Forest
Raichu [Alolan] Beach, Tropical Island
Sandshrew Sandy
Sandslash Sandy
Nidoran♀ Savanna
Nidorina Savanna
Nidoqueen Savanna
Nidoran♂ Savanna
Nidorino Savanna
Nidoking Savanna
Clefairy Dripstone
Clefairy Hills
Clefairy Magical
Clefable Dripstone
Clefable Hills
Clefable Magical
Vulpix Forest, Taiga
Vulpix Nether Forest
Vulpix [Alolan] Snowy Forest, Snowy Taiga
Vulpix [Alolan] Nether Frozen
Ninetales Forest, Taiga
Ninetales Nether Forest
Ninetales [Alolan] Snowy Forest, Snowy Taiga
Ninetales [Alolan] Nether Frozen
Jigglypuff Floral
Jigglypuff Plains
Wigglytuff Floral
Wigglytuff Plains
Zubat Forest, Swamp
Zubat Overworld
Zubat Spooky
Zubat Deep Dark
Golbat Forest, Swamp
Golbat Overworld
Golbat Spooky
Golbat Deep Dark
Oddish Jungle
Oddish Temperate
Oddish [Valencian] Savanna, Tropical Island
Gloom Jungle
Gloom Temperate
Gloom [Valencian] Savanna, Tropical Island
Vileplume Jungle
Vileplume Temperate
Vileplume [Valencian] Savanna, Tropical Island
Paras Lush
Paras Mushroom
Paras Nether Fungus
Parasect Lush
Parasect Mushroom
Parasect Nether Fungus
Venonat Spooky, Swamp
Venomoth Spooky, Swamp
Diglett Overworld
Diglett [Alolan] Overworld
Dugtrio Overworld
Dugtrio [Alolan] Overworld
Meowth Overworld
Meowth Arid
Meowth [Alolan] Overworld
Meowth [Alolan] Arid, Freezing
Meowth [Galarian] Freezing, Taiga
Persian Overworld
Persian Arid
Persian [Alolan] Overworld
Persian [Alolan] Arid, Freezing
Psyduck Freshwater
Golduck Freshwater
Mankey Hills, Jungle
Primeape Hills, Jungle
Growlithe Overworld
Arcanine Overworld
Poliwag Freshwater
Poliwag Lush
Poliwhirl Freshwater
Poliwhirl Lush
Poliwrath Freshwater
Poliwrath Lush
Abra Hills, Temperate
Abra Magical
Abra Overworld
Kadabra Hills, Temperate
Kadabra Magical
Kadabra Overworld
Alakazam Hills, Temperate
Alakazam Magical
Alakazam Overworld
Machop Hills
Machoke Hills
Machamp Hills
Bellsprout Jungle
Weepinbell Jungle
Victreebel Jungle
Tentacool Deep Ocean
Tentacool Ocean
Tentacruel Deep Ocean
Tentacruel Ocean
Geodude Mountain
Geodude Overworld
Graveler Mountain
Graveler Overworld
Golem Mountain
Golem Overworld
Ponyta Grassland
Ponyta Nether Overgrowth, Nether Wasteland
Ponyta [Galarian] Floral, Magical
Rapidash Grassland
Rapidash Nether Overgrowth, Nether Wasteland
Rapidash [Galarian] Floral, Magical
Slowpoke Beach
Slowpoke River
Slowbro Beach
Magnemite Overworld
Magneton Overworld
Farfetch'd Overworld
Farfetch'd [Galarian] Forest
Doduo Savanna
Dodrio Savanna
Seel Frozen Ocean
Dewgong Frozen Ocean
Grimer Swamp
Grimer Overworld
Grimer Nether Toxic
Muk Swamp
Muk Overworld
Muk Nether Toxic
Shellder Cold Ocean, Frozen Ocean
Shellder Ocean
Cloyster Cold Ocean, Frozen Ocean
Cloyster Ocean
Gastly Overworld
Gastly Spooky
Gastly Nether
Haunter Overworld
Haunter Spooky
Haunter Nether
Gengar Overworld
Gengar Spooky
Gengar Nether
Onix Overworld
Onix Nether Basalt
Drowzee Overworld
Hypno Overworld
Krabby Coast
Kingler Coast
Voltorb Overworld
Voltorb [Hisuian] Overworld
Electrode Overworld
Electrode [Hisuian] Overworld
Exeggcute Jungle
Exeggcute Beach, Tropical Island
Exeggutor Jungle
Exeggutor [Alolan] Beach, Tropical Island
Cubone Sandy
Cubone Volcanic
Cubone Nether Desert, Nether Soul Fire
Marowak Sandy
Marowak Volcanic
Marowak Nether Desert, Nether Soul Fire
Hitmonlee Hills
Hitmonchan Hills
Lickitung Grassland
Koffing Overworld
Koffing Nether Toxic
Weezing Overworld
Weezing Nether Toxic
Rhyhorn Savanna
Rhydon Savanna
Chansey Overworld
Tangela Jungle
Kangaskhan Savanna
Horsea Lukewarm Ocean, Warm Ocean
Seadra Lukewarm Ocean, Warm Ocean
Goldeen River
Seaking River
Staryu Coast
Staryu Ocean
Starmie Coast
Starmie Ocean
Mr. Mime Overworld
Scyther Forest, Hills
Scyther Jungle
Jynx Freezing
Electabuzz Hills, Plains
Magmar Hills
Magmar Volcanic
Magmar Nether Basalt, Nether Wasteland
Pinsir Jungle, Tropical Island
Tauros Grassland
Magikarp Freshwater
Magikarp Ocean
Gyarados Freshwater
Gyarados Ocean
Lapras Frozen Ocean
Lapras Ocean
Ditto Overworld
Eevee Overworld
Eevee Temperate
Vaporeon Freshwater
Vaporeon Overworld
Jolteon Grassland
Jolteon Overworld
Flareon Sandy
Flareon Overworld
Porygon Overworld
Omanyte Lush
Omastar Lush
Kabuto Lush
Kabutops Lush
Aerodactyl Lush
Snorlax Forest, Hills
Dratini Overworld
Dratini Ocean
Dragonair Overworld
Dragonair Ocean
Dragonite Overworld
Dragonite Ocean
Dragonite Sky
Chikorita Floral
Chikorita Floral Meadow
Bayleef Floral
Bayleef Floral Meadow
Meganium Floral
Meganium Floral Meadow
Cyndaquil Temperate
Cyndaquil Taiga
Cyndaquil Nether Crimson, Nether Forest, Nether Overgrowth
Quilava Temperate
Quilava Taiga
Quilava Nether Crimson, Nether Forest, Nether Overgrowth
Typhlosion Temperate
Typhlosion [Hisuian] Taiga
Typhlosion [Hisuian] Nether Crimson, Nether Forest, Nether Overgrowth
Totodile Swamp
Croconaw Swamp
Feraligatr Swamp
Sentret Taiga, Temperate, Tundra
Furret Taiga, Temperate, Tundra
Hoothoot Forest, Sky, Spooky
Noctowl Forest, Sky, Spooky
Spinarak Forest, Jungle, Spooky
Spinarak Overworld
Spinarak Preset
Ariados Forest, Jungle, Spooky
Ariados Overworld
Ariados Preset
Crobat Forest, Swamp
Crobat Overworld
Crobat Spooky
Crobat Deep Dark
Chinchou Deep Ocean
Lanturn Deep Ocean
Pichu Forest
Cleffa Dripstone
Cleffa Hills
Cleffa Magical
Igglybuff Floral
Igglybuff Plains
Natu Badlands, Plateau
Natu Overworld
Xatu Badlands, Plateau
Xatu Overworld
Mareep Highlands, Plains
Flaaffy Highlands, Plains
Ampharos Highlands, Plains
Bellossom Floral
Bellossom Jungle
Bellossom [Valencian] Savanna, Tropical Island
Sudowoodo Forest
Politoed Freshwater
Politoed Lush
Aipom Jungle, Tropical Island
Yanma Freshwater
Yanma Lush
Yanma Bumblezone
Wooper Lush
Wooper Overworld
Wooper Swamp
Wooper [Paldean] Muddy
Wooper [Paldean] Savanna
Quagsire Lush
Quagsire Overworld
Quagsire Swamp
Espeon Hills
Espeon Overworld
Umbreon Spooky
Umbreon Overworld
Murkrow Spooky
Murkrow Swamp
Murkrow Taiga
Murkrow Sky
Slowking Beach
Misdreavus Spooky
Misdreavus Spooky, Swamp
Misdreavus Swamp
Misdreavus Nether Warped
Pineco Taiga
Forretress Taiga
Forretress [Shulker] End
Gligar Badlands
Gligar Nether Mountain
Steelix Overworld
Steelix Nether Basalt
Snubbull Overworld
Granbull Overworld
Qwilfish Lukewarm Ocean, Warm Ocean
Qwilfish Ocean
Qwilfish [Hisuian] Cold Ocean
Qwilfish [Hisuian] Cold Ocean, Frozen Ocean
Scizor Jungle
Shuckle Lush
Heracross Forest
Heracross Jungle, Tropical Island
Heracross Crystal Canyon
Sneasel Taiga
Sneasel [Hisuian] Mountain
Teddiursa Forest, Mountain, Taiga
Teddiursa Crystal Canyon, Floral Meadow
Ursaring Forest, Mountain, Taiga
Ursaring Crystal Canyon, Floral Meadow
Slugma Nether Basalt, Nether Wasteland
Slugma Nether, Volcanic
Slugma Overworld
Slugma Volcanic
Magcargo Nether Basalt
Magcargo Nether
Magcargo Overworld
Magcargo Volcanic
Swinub Tundra
Piloswine Tundra
Skarmory Sandy, Sky
Kingdra Lukewarm Ocean, Warm Ocean
Phanpy Badlands
Phanpy Savanna
Donphan Badlands
Donphan Savanna
Porygon2 Overworld
Stantler Snowy Forest, Snowy Taiga, Tundra
Tyrogue Hills
Hitmontop Hills
Smoochum Freezing
Elekid Hills, Plains
Magby Hills
Magby Volcanic
Magby Nether Basalt, Nether Wasteland
Miltank Grassland
Miltank Mushroom Fields
Blissey Overworld
Larvitar Mountain
Pupitar Mountain
Tyranitar Mountain
Treecko Jungle
Grovyle Jungle
Sceptile Jungle
Torchic Plains
Combusken Plains
Blaziken Plains
Mudkip Swamp
Marshtomp Swamp
Swampert Swamp
Poochyena Badlands, Savanna
Poochyena Overworld
Mightyena Badlands, Savanna
Mightyena Overworld
Zigzagoon Temperate
Zigzagoon [Galarian] Taiga
Linoone Temperate
Linoone [Galarian] Taiga
Lotad Swamp
Lombre Swamp
Ludicolo Swamp
Seedot Forest
Nuzleaf Forest
Shiftry Forest
Taillow Sky, Temperate
Swellow Sky, Temperate
Wingull Coast, Ocean, Sky, Tropical Island
Pelipper Coast, Ocean, Sky, Tropical Island
Ralts Floral, Magical, Snowy Forest
Ralts Overworld
Kirlia Floral, Magical, Snowy Forest
Kirlia Overworld
Gardevoir Floral, Magical, Snowy Forest
Gardevoir Overworld
Surskit Freshwater
Surskit Bumblezone
Masquerain Freshwater
Masquerain Bumblezone
Shroomish Forest
Shroomish Mushroom
Breloom Forest
Breloom Mushroom
Nincada Forest, Jungle
Ninjask Forest, Jungle
Shedinja Forest, Jungle
Whismur Deep Dark
Whismur Overworld
Loudred Deep Dark
Loudred Overworld
Exploud Deep Dark
Exploud Overworld
Makuhita Mountain
Hariyama Mountain
Nosepass Overworld
Sableye Overworld
Sableye Deep Dark
Sableye Crystal Canyon, Crystalline Chasm
Mawile Deep Dark
Mawile Overworld
Aron Mountain
Aron Overworld
Lairon Mountain
Lairon Overworld
Aggron Mountain
Aggron Overworld
Plusle Plains
Minun Plains
Volbeat Freshwater
Volbeat Floral Meadow
Volbeat Bumblezone
Illumise Freshwater
Illumise Floral Meadow
Illumise Bumblezone
Roselia Floral
Roselia Floral Meadow
Carvanha Ocean
Sharpedo Ocean
Wailmer Deep Ocean
Wailord Deep Ocean
Numel Badlands
Numel Volcanic
Numel Nether Overgrowth, Nether Wasteland
Camerupt Badlands
Camerupt Volcanic
Camerupt Nether Overgrowth, Nether Wasteland
Torkoal Mountain, Thermal
Torkoal Overworld
Torkoal Nether Basalt
Spinda Bamboo, Hills
Trapinch Desert
Vibrava Desert
Flygon Desert
Cacnea Sandy
Cacturne Sandy
Lunatone Dripstone
Lunatone Mountain
Solrock Dripstone
Solrock Mountain
Barboach Swamp
Whiscash Swamp
Baltoy Sandy
Baltoy Overworld
Baltoy Howling Constructs
Claydol Sandy
Claydol Overworld
Claydol Howling Constructs
Lileep Lush
Cradily Lush
Anorith Lush
Armaldo Lush
Duskull Spooky
Duskull Nether Soul Sand
Dusclops Spooky
Dusclops Nether Soul Sand
Tropius Jungle
Chimecho Forest, Mountain, Spooky, Taiga
Chimecho Magical
Chimecho Overworld
Clamperl Deep Ocean
Clamperl Warm Ocean
Huntail Deep Ocean
Huntail Warm Ocean
Gorebyss Deep Ocean
Gorebyss Warm Ocean
Relicanth Deep Ocean
Relicanth Ocean
Relicanth Overworld
Luvdisc Warm Ocean
Beldum Dripstone, Peak
Beldum End
Beldum Howling Constructs
Metang Dripstone, Peak
Metang End
Metang Howling Constructs
Metagross Dripstone, Peak
Metagross End
Metagross Howling Constructs
Turtwig Forest
Grotle Forest
Torterra Forest
Chimchar Mountain
Chimchar Nether Forest
Monferno Mountain
Monferno Nether Forest
Infernape Mountain
Infernape Nether Forest
Piplup Frozen Ocean
Prinplup Frozen Ocean
Empoleon Frozen Ocean
Starly Hills, Sky, Snowy Forest, Taiga
Staravia Hills, Sky, Snowy Forest, Taiga
Staraptor Hills, Sky, Snowy Forest, Taiga
Bidoof Freshwater
Bibarel Freshwater
Kricketot Forest, Swamp
Kricketune Forest, Swamp
Shinx Desert, Savanna
Luxio Desert, Savanna
Luxray Desert, Savanna
Budew Floral
Budew Floral Meadow
Roserade Floral
Roserade Floral Meadow
Cranidos Lush
Rampardos Lush
Shieldon Lush
Bastiodon Lush
Combee Temperate
Combee Bumblezone
Vespiquen Temperate
Vespiquen Bumblezone
Pachirisu Forest
Buizel Freshwater
Floatzel Freshwater
Ambipom Jungle, Tropical Island
Drifloon Overworld
Drifloon Sky
Drifblim Overworld
Drifblim Sky
Buneary Forest, Hills, Snowy Forest, Snowy Taiga, Taiga
Lopunny Forest, Hills, Snowy Forest, Snowy Taiga, Taiga
Mismagius Spooky
Mismagius Spooky, Swamp
Mismagius Swamp
Mismagius Nether Warped
Honchkrow Spooky
Honchkrow Swamp, Taiga
Honchkrow Sky
Chingling Forest, Mountain, Spooky, Taiga
Chingling Magical
Chingling Overworld
Bonsly Forest
Mime Jr. Overworld
Happiny Overworld
Chatot Jungle
Chatot Tropical Island
Chatot Sky
Spiritomb Deep Dark
Spiritomb Overworld
Spiritomb Desert
Spiritomb Jungle
Spiritomb Howling Constructs
Gible Mountain
Gible Overworld
Gabite Mountain
Gabite Overworld
Garchomp Mountain
Garchomp Overworld
Munchlax Forest, Hills
Riolu Mountain
Lucario Mountain
Hippopotas Desert
Hippowdon Desert
Carnivine Swamp
Carnivine Lush
Weavile Taiga
Magnezone Overworld
Lickilicky Grassland
Rhyperior Hills
Tangrowth Jungle
Electivire Hills, Plains
Magmortar Hills
Magmortar Volcanic
Magmortar Nether Basalt, Nether Wasteland
Yanmega Freshwater
Yanmega Lush
Yanmega Bumblezone
Leafeon Forest, Jungle
Leafeon Overworld
Glaceon Freezing
Glaceon Overworld
Gliscor Badlands
Gliscor Nether Mountain
Mamoswine Tundra
Porygon-Z Overworld
Gallade Floral, Magical, Snowy Forest
Gallade Overworld
Probopass Overworld
Dusknoir Spooky
Dusknoir Nether Soul Sand
Snivy Jungle
Servine Jungle
Serperior Jungle
Tepig Plains
Tepig Nether Crimson, Nether Overgrowth
Pignite Plains
Pignite Nether Crimson, Nether Overgrowth
Emboar Plains
Emboar Nether Crimson, Nether Overgrowth
Oshawott Beach
Oshawott Coast
Oshawott Snowy Beach
Dewott Beach
Dewott Coast
Dewott Snowy Beach
Samurott Beach
Samurott [Hisuian] Coast
Samurott [Hisuian] Snowy Beach
Patrat Grassland
Watchog Grassland
Lillipup Overworld
Herdier Overworld
Stoutland Overworld
Pidove Mountain, Sky
Pidove Overworld
Tranquill Mountain, Sky
Tranquill Overworld
Unfezant Mountain, Sky
Unfezant Overworld
Roggenrola Overworld
Roggenrola Deep Dark
Boldore Overworld
Boldore Deep Dark
Gigalith Overworld
Gigalith Deep Dark
Woobat Jungle, Savanna
Swoobat Jungle, Savanna
Timburr Overworld
Gurdurr Overworld
Conkeldurr Overworld
Venipede Forest
Venipede Jungle
Venipede Lush
Venipede Nether Forest, Nether Fungus
Whirlipede Forest
Whirlipede Jungle
Whirlipede Lush
Whirlipede Nether Forest, Nether Fungus
Scolipede Forest
Scolipede Jungle
Scolipede Lush
Scolipede Nether Forest, Nether Fungus
Cottonee Plains
Whimsicott Plains
Petilil Floral
Petilil Forest, Tropical Island
Petilil Floral Meadow
Petilil Hills
Lilligant Floral
Lilligant Forest, Tropical Island
Lilligant Floral Meadow
Lilligant [Hisuian] Hills
Basculin Freshwater
Sandile Desert
Krokorok Desert
Krookodile Desert
Darumaka Desert, Jungle
Darumaka Desert
Darumaka Jungle
Darumaka Nether
Darmanitan Desert, Jungle
Darmanitan Desert
Darmanitan Jungle
Darmanitan Nether
Maractus Sandy
Dwebble Badlands
Crustle Badlands
Sigilyph Sandy
Sigilyph Overworld
Sigilyph End
Sigilyph Howling Constructs
Yamask Desert
Yamask Overworld
Cofagrigus Desert
Cofagrigus Overworld
Tirtouga Lush
Carracosta Lush
Archen Lush
Archeops Lush
Zorua Forest
Zorua [Hisuian] Snowy Forest, Snowy Taiga
Zorua [Hisuian] Nether
Zoroark Forest
Zoroark [Hisuian] Snowy Forest, Snowy Taiga
Zoroark [Hisuian] Nether
Deerling Floral, Forest, Hills, Plains, Snowy Forest, Taiga
Deerling Floral Meadow
Sawsbuck Floral, Forest, Hills, Plains, Snowy Forest, Taiga
Sawsbuck Floral Meadow
Emolga Taiga
Frillish Ocean
Jellicent Ocean
Alomomola Deep Ocean
Joltik Badlands, Jungle, Savanna
Joltik Overworld
Joltik Preset
Galvantula Badlands, Jungle, Savanna
Galvantula Overworld
Galvantula Preset
Ferroseed Lush
Ferrothorn Lush
Klink Overworld
Klang Overworld
Klinklang Overworld
Elgyem End
Elgyem Overworld
Elgyem Howling Constructs
Beheeyem End
Beheeyem Overworld
Beheeyem Howling Constructs
Litwick Nether Soul Fire
Litwick Overworld
Lampent Nether Soul Fire
Lampent Overworld
Chandelure Nether Soul Fire
Chandelure Overworld
Cubchoo Frozen Ocean
Beartic Frozen Ocean
Cryogonal Freezing
Cryogonal Nether Frozen
Golett Deep Dark
Golett Overworld
Golett Desert
Golett Jungle
Golett Howling Constructs
Golurk Deep Dark
Golurk Overworld
Golurk Desert
Golurk Jungle
Golurk Howling Constructs
Bouffalant Plains
Heatmor Badlands, Hills
Heatmor Nether Mountain
Durant Badlands, Hills
Durant Nether Mountain
Deino Deep Dark
Deino Overworld
Zweilous Deep Dark
Zweilous Overworld
Hydreigon Deep Dark
Hydreigon Overworld
Larvesta Desert
Larvesta Jungle
Larvesta Nether Crimson, Nether Forest
Volcarona Desert
Volcarona Jungle
Volcarona Nether Crimson, Nether Forest
Chespin Forest
Quilladin Forest
Chesnaught Forest
Fennekin Desert
Braixen Desert
Delphox Desert
Froakie Freshwater
Frogadier Freshwater
Greninja Freshwater
Bunnelby Hills, Temperate
Diggersby Hills, Temperate
Fletchling Forest, Sky, Taiga
Fletchling Nether Forest, Nether Fungus
Fletchinder Forest, Sky, Taiga
Fletchinder Nether Forest, Nether Fungus
Talonflame Forest, Sky, Taiga
Talonflame Nether Forest, Nether Fungus
Scatterbug Floral, Plains, Savanna
Scatterbug Floral Meadow
Spewpa Floral, Plains, Savanna
Spewpa Floral Meadow
Vivillon Badlands
Vivillon Cherry Blossom
Vivillon Coast, Warm Ocean
Vivillon Desert
Vivillon Floral
Vivillon Floral Meadow
Vivillon Forest
Vivillon nan
Vivillon Frozen Ocean
Vivillon Glacial, Snowy Forest, Tundra
Vivillon Jungle
Vivillon Mountain
Vivillon Mushroom
Vivillon Ocean
Vivillon Overworld
Vivillon Plains
Vivillon Savanna
Vivillon Sunflower Plains, Sky, Tropical Island
Vivillon Magical, Spooky
Vivillon Taiga
Flabebe Overworld
Flabebe Floral Meadow
Floette Overworld
Floette Floral Meadow
Florges Overworld
Florges Floral Meadow
Honedge Nether
Honedge Overworld
Doublade Nether
Doublade Overworld
Aegislash Nether
Aegislash Overworld
Skrelp Ocean
Dragalge Ocean
Tyrunt Lush
Tyrantrum Lush
Amaura Lush
Aurorus Lush
Sylveon Floral, Magical
Sylveon Overworld
Carbink Overworld
Carbink Nether Quartz
Carbink Crystal Canyon
Goomy Swamp
Goomy Dripstone, Lush
Goomy Overworld
Sliggoo Swamp
Sliggoo [Hisuian] Dripstone, Lush
Sliggoo [Hisuian] Overworld
Goodra Swamp
Goodra [Hisuian] Dripstone, Lush
Goodra [Hisuian] Overworld
Klefki Overworld
Phantump Forest, Taiga
Phantump Spooky
Phantump Nether Forest, Nether Warped
Trevenant Forest, Taiga
Trevenant Spooky
Trevenant Nether Forest, Nether Warped
Pumpkaboo Overworld
Pumpkaboo Nether Overgrowth
Gourgeist Overworld
Gourgeist Nether Overgrowth
Bergmite Frozen Ocean
Bergmite Nether Frozen
Avalugg Frozen Ocean
Avalugg Nether Frozen
Rowlet Forest, Taiga
Rowlet Snowy Forest, Snowy Taiga
Dartrix Forest, Taiga
Dartrix Snowy Forest, Snowy Taiga
Decidueye Forest, Taiga
Decidueye [Hisuian] Snowy Forest, Snowy Taiga
Litten Jungle
Torracat Jungle
Incineroar Jungle
Popplio Coast
Brionne Coast
Primarina Coast
Crabrawler Coast
Crabominable Peak
Cutiefly Floral
Cutiefly Overworld
Cutiefly Floral Meadow, Pollinated Fields
Ribombee Floral
Ribombee Overworld
Ribombee Floral Meadow, Pollinated Fields
Mudbray Badlands, Grassland
Mudsdale Badlands, Grassland
Fomantis Floral
Fomantis Jungle, Tropical Island
Fomantis Floral Meadow
Lurantis Floral
Lurantis Jungle, Tropical Island
Lurantis Floral Meadow
Morelull Jungle, Magical, Mushroom
Morelull Lush
Morelull Nether Fungus
Shiinotic Jungle, Magical, Mushroom
Shiinotic Lush
Shiinotic Nether Fungus
Salandit Volcanic
Salandit Badlands, Mountain
Salandit Nether Basalt
Salandit Nether Desert
Salazzle Volcanic
Salazzle Badlands, Mountain
Salazzle Nether Basalt
Salazzle Nether Desert
Stufful Bamboo
Bewear Bamboo
Bounsweet Jungle, Tropical Island
Steenee Jungle, Tropical Island
Tsareena Jungle, Tropical Island
Comfey Floral, Tropical Island
Comfey Overworld
Comfey Floral Meadow
Wimpod Coast
Wimpod Overworld
Golisopod Coast
Golisopod Overworld
Pyukumuku Beach
Pyukumuku Ocean
Pyukumuku Warm Ocean
Komala Savanna
Turtonator Nether Basalt
Turtonator Thermal
Turtonator Volcanic
Mimikyu Spooky
Mimikyu Overworld
Dhelmise Ocean
Jangmo-o Jungle
Jangmo-o Tropical Island
Hakamo-o Jungle
Hakamo-o Tropical Island
Kommo-o Jungle
Kommo-o Tropical Island
Grookey Jungle, Tropical Island
Thwackey Jungle, Tropical Island
Rillaboom Jungle, Tropical Island
Scorbunny Grassland, Tundra
Raboot Grassland, Tundra
Cinderace Grassland, Tundra
Sobble Freshwater
Drizzile Freshwater
Inteleon Freshwater
Rookidee Hills, Sky, Spooky, Taiga
Corvisquire Hills, Sky, Spooky, Taiga
Corviknight Hills, Sky, Spooky, Taiga
Nickit Forest, Taiga
Nickit Plains
Thievul Forest, Taiga
Thievul Plains
Gossifleur Floral
Gossifleur Floral Meadow
Eldegoss Floral
Eldegoss Floral Meadow
Wooloo Mountain, Plains
Dubwool Mountain, Plains
Yamper Overworld
Boltund Overworld
Arrokuda Ocean, Mangrove Swamp
Barraskewda Ocean, Mangrove Swamp
Sizzlipede Badlands, Volcanic
Sizzlipede Nether Basalt
Sizzlipede Nether Wasteland
Centiskorch Badlands, Volcanic
Centiskorch Nether Basalt
Centiskorch Nether Wasteland
Impidimp Magical
Impidimp Nether Forest, Nether Warped
Morgrem Magical
Morgrem Nether Forest, Nether Warped
Grimmsnarl Magical
Grimmsnarl Nether Forest, Nether Warped
Obstagoon Taiga
Perrserker Freezing, Taiga
Sirfetch'd Forest
Milcery Overworld
Alcremie Overworld
Falinks Badlands
Falinks Nether
Stonjourner Plains
Eiscue Frozen Ocean
Cufant Badlands, Hills, Savanna
Copperajah Badlands, Hills, Savanna
Dreepy Coast, Freshwater
Dreepy Overworld
Drakloak Coast, Freshwater
Drakloak Overworld
Dragapult Coast, Freshwater
Dragapult Overworld
Wyrdeer Snowy Forest, Snowy Taiga, Tundra
Kleavor Forest, Hills
Ursaluna Forest, Mountain, Taiga
Ursaluna Crystal Canyon, Floral Meadow
Basculegion Freshwater
Sneasler Mountain
Overqwil Cold Ocean
Overqwil Cold Ocean, Frozen Ocean
Sprigatito Floral, Magical
Sprigatito Nether Warped
Floragato Floral, Magical
Floragato Nether Warped
Meowscarada Floral, Magical
Meowscarada Nether Warped
Fuecoco Badlands
Fuecoco Nether Wasteland
Crocalor Badlands
Crocalor Nether Wasteland
Skeledirge Badlands
Skeledirge Nether Wasteland
Quaxly River
Quaxwell River
Quaquaval River
Lechonk Mushroom, Temperate
Lechonk Swamp
Lechonk Nether Crimson, Nether Fungus, Nether Overgrowth
Oinkologne Mushroom, Temperate
Oinkologne Swamp
Oinkologne Nether Crimson, Nether Fungus, Nether Overgrowth
Tandemaus Temperate
Tandemaus Overworld
Maushold Temperate
Maushold Overworld
Fidough Overworld
Dachsbun Overworld
Squawkabilly Jungle, Savanna, Tropical Island
Squawkabilly Overworld
Squawkabilly Sky
Nacli Badlands
Nacli Preset
Nacli Nether Quartz
Naclstack Badlands
Naclstack Preset
Naclstack Nether Quartz
Garganacl Badlands
Garganacl Preset
Garganacl Nether Quartz
Charcadet Nether
Charcadet Overworld
Armarouge Nether
Armarouge Overworld
Ceruledge Nether
Ceruledge Overworld
Maschiff Overworld
Mabosstiff Overworld
Shroodle Jungle, Tropical Island
Grafaiai Jungle, Tropical Island
Flittle Arid
Espathra Arid
Tinkatink Overworld
Tinkatuff Overworld
Tinkaton Overworld
Varoom Badlands
Varoom Overworld
Revavroom Badlands
Revavroom Overworld
Glimmet Overworld
Glimmet Nether Quartz
Glimmet Crystal Canyon, Crystalline Chasm
Glimmora Overworld
Glimmora Nether Quartz
Glimmora Crystal Canyon, Crystalline Chasm
Cetoddle Frozen Ocean
Cetoddle Glacial, Tundra
Cetitan Frozen Ocean
Cetitan Glacial, Tundra
Annihilape Hills, Jungle
Clodsire Muddy
Clodsire Savanna
Gimmighoul [Roaming] Overworld