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Sep 4, 2024

Cobblemon Status Effects and How to Counter Them

Cobblemon Status Effects and How to Counter Them
Cobblemon Status Effects and How to Counter Them

In Cobblemon, status effects play a vital role in battles, significantly impacting how a match plays out. These effects can hinder your Cobblemon's performance or give you the upper hand when applied to your opponent. Knowing how these status effects work and, more importantly, how to counter them can be key to victory in both PvP and PvE encounters.

Let’s dive into the various status effects in Cobblemon and explore strategies to deal with them effectively.

Common Status Effects in Cobblemon

1. Paralysis

Paralysis is a debilitating status effect that reduces a Cobblemon’s Speed by 50% and occasionally prevents it from moving during its turn. This can be especially dangerous in fast-paced battles where speed is critical.

  • Common Moves that Cause Paralysis: Thunder Wave, Nuzzle
  • How to Counter:
    • Use Items: Items like Paralyze Heal or Full Heal can instantly remove paralysis.
    • Ability Counter: Cobblemon with abilities like Limber or Natural Cure are immune to or can heal from paralysis.
    • Prevention: Electric-type Cobblemon are immune to being paralyzed, making them a safe switch-in option.

2. Burn

Burns cause your Cobblemon to lose a small amount of health at the end of each turn. Additionally, it cuts the affected Cobblemon's Attack stat in half, making physical attackers particularly vulnerable.

  • Common Moves that Cause Burn: Will-O-Wisp, Scald
  • How to Counter:
    • Use Items: Burn Heal or Full Heal can remove burn status.
    • Ability Counter: Cobblemon with the Water Veil or Flame Body abilities are immune to burns.
    • Prevention: Fire-type Cobblemon are immune to burn status and can be used to absorb the status effect without consequence.

3. Poison

Poison gradually saps a Cobblemon's health, and in the case of Toxic Poison, the damage increases every turn. This status effect is a ticking clock that can wear down your team if left unchecked.

  • Common Moves that Cause Poison: Toxic, Poison Sting
  • How to Counter:
    • Use Items: Antidote or Full Heal will cure poison instantly.
    • Ability Counter: Abilities like Immunity prevent Cobblemon from being poisoned, and Poison Heal Cobblemon actually benefit from the status.
    • Prevention: Poison-type and Steel-type Cobblemon are immune to poison and can be switched in to avoid being affected.

4. Sleep

Sleep puts a Cobblemon out of commission for several turns, leaving them vulnerable. Sleep can turn the tide of a battle, especially when used strategically.

  • Common Moves that Cause Sleep: Hypnosis, Sleep Powder
  • How to Counter:
    • Use Items: Awakening or Full Heal can wake up your Cobblemon immediately.
    • Ability Counter: Abilities like Insomnia and Early Bird can prevent or shorten the duration of sleep.
    • Prevention: Some moves like Uproar can prevent sleep from being applied.

5. Freeze

One of the rarest and most unpredictable status effects, Freeze leaves your Cobblemon unable to act until they thaw out naturally or through certain moves. Frozen Cobblemon are highly vulnerable since they can’t move or defend themselves.

  • Common Moves that Cause Freeze: Ice Beam, Blizzard (with a low chance)
  • How to Counter:
    • Use Items: Ice Heal or Full Heal can immediately cure Freeze.
    • Ability Counter: Magmar Armor prevents freezing, and Fire-type Cobblemon are generally immune to this status.
    • Prevention: Switching in a Fire-type Cobblemon during an Ice-type move can prevent freeze entirely, as Fire-type Cobblemon cannot be frozen.

Lesser-Known Status Effects

6. Confusion

Confusion causes a Cobblemon to have a 50% chance of hurting itself instead of performing its move each turn. This can swing a battle if left unchecked, especially when combined with other statuses.

  • Common Moves that Cause Confusion: Confuse Ray, Supersonic
  • How to Counter:
    • Use Items: A Persim Berry can snap a Cobblemon out of confusion.
    • Ability Counter: Abilities like Own Tempo make a Cobblemon immune to confusion.
    • Prevention: A switch can end the confusion status without relying on healing items.

7. Attract

Attract only affects Cobblemon of the opposite gender, causing them to become "infatuated" and often unable to attack. It’s a tricky status effect that can be frustrating when used in stall strategies.

  • Common Moves that Cause Attract: Attract
  • How to Counter:
    • Use Items: Mental Herb can be used to remove the infatuation status.
    • Ability Counter: The Oblivious ability makes a Cobblemon immune to infatuation.
    • Prevention: Genderless Cobblemon or those with the Oblivious ability are immune to Attract, making them ideal switch-ins.

Advanced Strategies for Dealing with Status Effects

  1. Use Status-Resistant Cobblemon: Having Cobblemon with abilities that negate status effects, such as Natural Cure or Immunity, can turn the tide of battle. These Cobblemon are great to switch into battles where status effects are a threat.
  2. Healing Items are Essential: Stock up on status-healing items like Full Heals and Berries that can remove specific effects. Holding a Lum Berry, which cures any status condition, can also be a strategic item choice.
  3. Plan for Status Immunity: Building your team with Cobblemon that are immune to specific status effects can prevent opponents from easily exploiting status strategies. For example, Electric-types are immune to paralysis, and Poison-types can't be poisoned.
  4. Use Status as a Weapon: While countering status is essential, don’t forget to leverage status effects to your advantage. Moves like Thunder Wave, Toxic, and Will-O-Wisp can cripple your opponent’s Cobblemon, allowing you to gain an upper hand.


Mastering status effects in Cobblemon is crucial for any trainer looking to win battles. Understanding how these effects work and equipping yourself with the right counters can turn the tide in your favor. Whether you’re battling wild Cobblemon or facing off against opponents, having a solid strategy for dealing with status conditions will ensure you stay on top of the game.