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Oct 14, 2024

Creating the Ultimate Support Cobblemon Team

Creating the Ultimate Support Cobblemon Team
Creating the Ultimate Support Cobblemon Team

In Cobblemon, building a support-oriented team can make all the difference, whether you’re tackling challenging raids or strategizing for PvP battles. Support Cobblemon play crucial roles by boosting allies, healing, or inflicting status effects on opponents, enabling your main attackers to stay strong and effective. This guide covers top support roles, ideal movesets, and strategies for creating a powerful support team to help you and your allies dominate Cobblemon battles.

Key Roles of a Support Team

Support Cobblemon don’t typically focus on raw power. Instead, they enhance the team through buffs, healing, and debuffs. Here are the primary roles support Cobblemon fulfill:

  1. Healer: Keeps the team healthy with HP recovery and status removal.
  2. Stat Booster: Buffs allies’ Attack, Defense, or Speed, giving your team a tactical advantage.
  3. Debuffer: Reduces enemy stats to weaken their offense or defense, making battles easier.
  4. Status Inducer: Inflicts conditions like paralysis or sleep on enemies, limiting their actions.
  5. Tank/Wall: Absorbs damage, protecting frailer Cobblemon on the team.

Top Support Cobblemon and Their Movesets

Here are some of the best support Cobblemon in Cobblemon, with recommended movesets and abilities to make them effective in raids and PvP.

1. Blissey – The Ultimate Healer

Blissey’s massive HP pool and access to healing moves make it an unmatched healer for support roles.

  • Moveset:
    • Soft-Boiled: Restores Blissey’s HP, helping it last longer in battles.
    • Heal Pulse: Heals an ally, making it perfect for keeping your main attackers healthy.
    • Aromatherapy: Removes status conditions from all team members.
    • Light Screen: Reduces special damage for the entire team.
  • Ability: Natural Cure – Blissey heals itself of status conditions when switching out.

2. Togekiss – The Versatile Buff and Debuff Specialist

Togekiss’s solid defenses and wide movepool allow it to fill multiple support roles effectively.

  • Moveset:
    • Follow Me: Draws enemy attacks to Togekiss, protecting fragile teammates.
    • Air Slash: High flinch chance, useful for slowing down opponents in PvP.
    • Thunder Wave: Inflicts paralysis to slow down enemies.
    • Wish: Heals Togekiss or an ally after a turn, perfect for prolonged battles.
  • Ability: Serene Grace – Increases the chances of move effects, like Air Slash’s flinch chance.

3. Umbreon – The Defensive Wall and Status Specialist

With high Defense and Special Defense, Umbreon can stall opponents while providing invaluable debuffs and healing.

  • Moveset:
    • Snarl: Lowers opponents’ Special Attack, reducing their damage output.
    • Foul Play: Uses the opponent’s Attack stat, effective against high-Attack Cobblemon.
    • Moonlight: Restores Umbreon’s HP, helping it stay on the battlefield.
    • Toxic: Inflicts poison, dealing increasing damage each turn.
  • Ability: Synchronize – Transfers status effects to opponents, adding an extra layer of defense.

4. Clefable – The All-Around Supporter

Clefable’s Fairy typing and access to powerful support moves make it a versatile choice for any support role.

  • Moveset:
    • Heal Bell: Heals the team’s status conditions, crucial for PvP and raids.
    • Moonblast: Powerful STAB move with a chance to lower the opponent’s Special Attack.
    • Cosmic Power: Boosts Clefable’s Defense and Special Defense, making it tanky.
    • Wish: Provides delayed healing for itself or a teammate.
  • Ability: Magic Guard – Prevents indirect damage from status effects, perfect for a defensive setup.

5. Amoonguss – Status Inducer Extraordinaire

Amoonguss’s unique move pool allows it to inflict status conditions and draw enemy attacks, offering excellent crowd control.

  • Moveset:
    • Spore: Puts the opponent to sleep, ensuring they can’t act.
    • Rage Powder: Redirects attacks to Amoonguss, protecting allies.
    • Giga Drain: Provides sustain for Amoonguss while dealing damage.
    • Toxic: Inflicts poison, wearing down opponents over time.
  • Ability: Regenerator – Restores some HP upon switching out, allowing Amoonguss to be rotated in and out effectively.

Support Team Strategy: How to Use These Roles Effectively

Building a successful support team requires balancing these roles to complement each other. Here’s how to strategize for both PvP and raid scenarios:

1. Synergy with Attackers

  • Support Cobblemon are best paired with strong attackers, boosting their damage or protecting them from threats. For example, pairing Blissey’s healing with a high-damage sweeper like Garchomp allows the attacker to remain active longer.
  • Use Togekiss’s Follow Me to draw attacks away from powerful but frail Cobblemon, like Alakazam.

2. Tactical Switching

  • Switching out support Cobblemon can maximize their abilities. For example, switching Umbreon in to take hits, applying Toxic, then switching out for Amoonguss can keep the opponent constantly under pressure.
  • Rotate between support Cobblemon to maintain healing, status conditions, or stat boosts, keeping the opponent’s team from gaining the upper hand.

3. Prioritize Status Effects and Buffs in Raids

  • In raid battles, using moves like Clefable’s Heal Bell or Togekiss’s Thunder Wave is highly effective, as debuffing and paralyzing raid bosses can limit their damage output, keeping the entire team safe.
  • Use healing moves like Blissey’s Heal Pulse and Clefable’s Wish to keep teammates at high health, which is especially critical during long raid battles.

4. Crowd Control in PvP

  • Moves like Spore or Thunder Wave are valuable for limiting the enemy team’s options. Using Amoonguss or Togekiss to induce paralysis or sleep can hinder your opponent’s strategies and turn the tide of battle.
  • Blissey and Umbreon can absorb damage while using moves like Toxic and Snarl to wear down enemy Cobblemon gradually, keeping the opposing team off-balance.

Essential Items for Support Cobblemon

Equipping your support Cobblemon with the right items can significantly enhance their effectiveness. Here are some ideal choices:

  • Leftovers: Restores HP every turn, perfect for tanky Cobblemon like Umbreon and Blissey who need to stay on the field.
  • Light Clay: Extends the duration of moves like Light Screen or Reflect, offering extended protection for your team.
  • Rocky Helmet: Deals damage to opponents that make physical contact, useful for tanky support Cobblemon that can absorb hits.
  • Mental Herb: Removes Taunt or similar effects that prevent status moves, allowing support Cobblemon like Clefable or Togekiss to continue using non-damaging moves.

Example Support Team Setup

Here’s a sample support team and how it can function in both PvP and raid environments:

  1. Blissey (Healer) – Soft-Boiled, Heal Pulse, Light Screen, Aromatherapy
  2. Umbreon (Tank) – Snarl, Moonlight, Toxic, Foul Play
  3. Togekiss (Status Inflicter) – Follow Me, Air Slash, Thunder Wave, Wish
  4. Amoonguss (Crowd Control) – Spore, Rage Powder, Giga Drain, Toxic
  5. Clefable (All-Purpose Support) – Heal Bell, Wish, Moonblast, Cosmic Power

This team setup provides healing, defensive boosts, and status effects to keep attackers safe and opponents weakened. Rotate between these Cobblemon based on the situation, bringing in healers when HP is low and using status-inducing moves to reduce incoming damage.


Building a support team in Cobblemon requires strategy, synergy, and adaptability. By combining healing, defensive moves, and status effects, your support Cobblemon can help turn the tide in both raids and PvP matches. With the right combination of roles and movesets, you’ll be ready to handle even the toughest opponents.

Have your own tips for support Cobblemon? Share your strategies in our Discord!