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Jun 29, 2024

Essential Items for Cobblemon

Essential Items
Essential Items

As a Cobblemon trainer, having the right tools and items is crucial for success. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned player, ensuring you’re well-equipped can make all the difference in your journey. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the essential items every Cobblemon trainer should have in their inventory.

1. Poké Balls

Standard Poké Balls

These are the basic tools for capturing Cobblemon. Make sure you always have a healthy supply, as you never know when you’ll encounter a rare Cobblemon.

Great Balls and Ultra Balls

For those harder-to-catch Cobblemon, Great Balls and Ultra Balls provide a higher catch rate. It’s wise to carry a few of these for emergencies.

Specialty Balls

Different balls like the Dusk Ball, Quick Ball, and Net Ball have unique properties that can significantly increase your chances of capturing Cobblemon under specific conditions.

2. Healing Items


From regular Potions to Hyper Potions and Max Potions, these items are indispensable for keeping your Cobblemon in fighting shape during battles.


Revives and Max Revives are essential for bringing your Cobblemon back into the fray after they’ve been knocked out.

Status Condition Healers

Items like Antidotes, Paralyze Heals, and Burn Heals can save you from difficult situations by curing status ailments that could otherwise cripple your team.

3. Berries

Oran Berries

Useful for minor healing, Oran Berries are a staple in any trainer’s bag.

Sitrus Berries

For more substantial healing, Sitrus Berries are a great choice.

Lum Berries

These berries cure any status condition, making them incredibly versatile and valuable.

4. Evolution Stones

Fire Stone, Water Stone, Thunder Stone, etc.

If you’re planning on evolving certain Cobblemon, having the necessary evolution stones on hand is essential. Know which stones your Cobblemon need and keep a few in your inventory.

5. TMs and HMs

Technical Machines (TMs)

TMs allow your Cobblemon to learn new moves. Having a variety of TMs can give you the flexibility to tailor your Cobblemon’s movesets to suit different battles.

Hidden Machines (HMs)

While HMs are often required to progress in the game by clearing obstacles, they also teach valuable moves. Keep these handy, but be mindful that HMs can’t be forgotten easily.

6. Held Items

Battle Enhancing Items

Items like Leftovers, Choice Scarf, and Focus Sash can give your Cobblemon a significant advantage in battle.

Berries as Held Items

Certain berries can be given to Cobblemon to hold, providing automatic healing or curing status conditions during battles.

7. Key Items


A fundamental tool for any trainer, the PokéDex helps you keep track of all Cobblemon you’ve encountered and captured.

Town Map

Never get lost again with a Town Map in your inventory. It’s essential for navigating the vast world of Cobblemon.

Fishing Rod

From the Old Rod to the Super Rod, these items are crucial for capturing water-type Cobblemon.

8. Rare Items

Master Ball

The Master Ball is a unique item with a 100% catch rate. Save it for the most challenging and rarest Cobblemon encounters.

Rare Candies

Rare Candies instantly raise a Cobblemon’s level, making them valuable for quick leveling.


Being a successful Cobblemon trainer requires preparation and the right set of tools. By ensuring you have these essential items in your inventory, you’ll be well-prepared for any challenge that comes your way. Keep your bag stocked, stay strategic, and happy training!