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Sep 5, 2024

How to Create Cobblemon Teams for Multiplayer

How to Create the Perfect Cobblemon Team for Multiplayer Battles
How to Create the Perfect Cobblemon Team for Multiplayer Battles

Building the ideal Cobblemon team for multiplayer battles requires strategic planning and a deep understanding of both individual Cobblemon strengths and how they complement each other. Here's a detailed guide on how to craft the perfect team for competitive multiplayer.

1. Understand the Core Roles

A balanced team consists of Cobblemon that serve different roles in battle. These roles typically include:

  • Sweeper: High-speed, high-attack Cobblemon that can knock out opponents quickly. Example: A Cobblemon like Blaziken, with its high Attack and Speed, can dominate once it's set up.
  • Tank: These Cobblemon absorb hits and outlast opponents. Example: Torterra, with high HP and Defense, can stall opponents and take multiple hits.
  • Support: Cobblemon that provide healing, status effects, or stat boosts. Example: Clefable, which can use moves like Wish or Heal Bell to assist teammates.
  • Wallbreaker: Cobblemon specialized in breaking through enemy defenses. Example: Lucario can deal heavy damage to Tanks with its diverse movepool and high Attack.

Choosing the right mix of these roles ensures that you have offensive power, defensive durability, and the ability to adapt to your opponent's strategy.

2. Focus on Type Coverage

Type coverage is essential in Cobblemon, as certain types have advantages or weaknesses against others. Your team should have a wide variety of types to ensure you can deal with most Cobblemon.

For example:

  • Fire-type Cobblemon like Charizard can take down Grass and Steel types.
  • Water-type Cobblemon such as Blastoise is useful against Fire and Rock types.
  • Electric-types like Jolteon are great for dealing with Flying and Water types.

A good rule of thumb is to ensure your team has no more than two Cobblemon of the same type to avoid being overly vulnerable to counters.

3. Balance Offensive and Defensive Stats

While it’s tempting to load your team with high-attack Cobblemon, defensive stats are equally important in multiplayer battles. Cobblemon with strong defenses can absorb damage, heal, and allow you to outlast opponents.

  • Tanky Cobblemon like Snorlax can be used to stall opponents while you chip away at their health.
  • Offensive Cobblemon like Garchomp can provide the necessary firepower to finish off opponents quickly.

The trick is balancing both types to ensure you can survive long enough to capitalize on your offensive strategies.

4. Use Status Effects and Abilities Wisely

Status effects like paralysis, sleep, and poison can shift the tide of battle. Toxic-using Cobblemon like Venusaur can poison opponents, while Thunder Wave can paralyze faster foes, giving you the upper hand.

Abilities like Levitate (which negates Ground-type attacks) or Intimidate (which lowers the opponent's Attack stat) are also key in multiplayer matches.

  • Alakazam, with the ability Magic Guard, can avoid damage from status effects.
  • Gliscor, with Poison Heal, benefits from being poisoned, gaining health every turn instead of losing it.

5. Team Synergy and Switching

Multiplayer battles often require switching between Cobblemon to adapt to your opponent’s moves. It’s important to have Cobblemon that complement each other and cover each other’s weaknesses.

  • If your Charizard is up against a Water-type, switching to Jolteon (Electric) can quickly turn the battle in your favor.
  • Use Cobblemon with Volt Switch or U-Turn to deal damage while switching to a better match-up.

Synergy between Cobblemon ensures that you aren’t caught off guard, allowing you to pivot and control the battle.

6. Train Your Cobblemon’s EVs and IVs

Effort Values (EVs) and Individual Values (IVs) are critical for maxing out your Cobblemon’s potential. To maximize their battle performance:

  • EV Train your Cobblemon in key stats based on their role. For instance, a Sweeper should have max EVs in Attack and Speed, while a Tank should focus on HP and Defense.
  • IV Breeding is also important for ensuring your Cobblemon has the best stats possible in critical areas.

7. Practice in Battle Simulations

Finally, test your team in battle simulations or friendly matches to identify weaknesses. Many Cobblemon servers have practice arenas where you can sharpen your strategy against real players.

By practicing, you’ll learn how to adjust your team for specific opponents and perfect your switch-ins, counters, and combos.


Creating the perfect Cobblemon team for multiplayer battles takes practice, balance, and strategic thinking. With a well-rounded team that covers type weaknesses, utilizes status effects, and focuses on both offensive and defensive strengths, you'll be prepared to dominate the Cobblemon arena. Now, go out and test your team-building skills!