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Sep 9, 2024

Maximize Cobblemon Friendship and Evolve Faster

Maximize Cobblemon Friendship and Evolve Faster
Maximize Cobblemon Friendship and Evolve Faster

In the world of Cobblemon, friendship plays a pivotal role in evolving certain Cobblemon species and unlocking various in-game benefits. While many Cobblemon evolve through leveling up, some rely heavily on their friendship level with the trainer to reach their next evolutionary stage. Building friendship is essential not only for evolutions but also for improving a Cobblemon’s overall performance. This guide will walk you through how to increase friendship quickly and efficiently, giving you the tools to evolve your Cobblemon faster and become a stronger trainer in multiplayer battles or adventures.

What Is Cobblemon Friendship?

Friendship, also referred to as happiness or loyalty in some games, is a hidden stat that governs how much a Cobblemon likes its trainer. While friendship doesn’t directly impact all Cobblemon, certain species rely on reaching a high level of friendship to evolve or unlock specific moves and abilities. For example, Cobblemon like Riolu, Eevee, and Togepi require high friendship levels to evolve into Lucario, Espeon/Umbreon, and Togetic, respectively.

However, friendship isn’t just about evolution. It also enhances certain in-battle perks, making your Cobblemon perform better. High friendship can lead to benefits such as:

  • Higher critical hit rates: Cobblemon with strong bonds often land more critical hits.
  • Dodging attacks: Cobblemon with higher friendship can occasionally dodge attacks they wouldn’t normally avoid.
  • Increased survivability: Cobblemon with a close bond may survive an attack that would have otherwise knocked them out.

These in-game bonuses can give you a tactical edge, making friendship a crucial part of any trainer’s strategy.

The Best Ways to Boost Cobblemon Friendship

If you’re looking to maximize your Cobblemon’s friendship and unlock its evolution as fast as possible, there are several key methods you should focus on. Each method has its own pace and efficiency, but by combining these strategies, you’ll be able to quickly raise your Cobblemon’s friendship to the required level.

1. Battle Together

One of the simplest ways to increase your Cobblemon’s friendship is by battling with it. Each time your Cobblemon wins a battle, its friendship level will rise. This method is especially effective when combined with healing items to keep your Cobblemon in good shape after battles. Be sure to avoid letting your Cobblemon faint, as this will cause its friendship level to decrease. Here are some key points:

  • Victory boosts: Winning battles provides a steady increase in friendship.
  • Avoid fainting: Ensure that your Cobblemon stays conscious throughout battles to avoid losing friendship points.
  • Status curing: Healing your Cobblemon’s status conditions in and out of battle will also slightly boost its friendship.
2. Use Healing Items

Healing items like Potions, Berries, and Revives are essential for keeping your Cobblemon healthy and increasing its friendship. Every time you use an item to heal your Cobblemon, its friendship will increase slightly. This method works both in and out of battle, making it a flexible option for raising friendship.

  • Potions and status healers: Using these during or after battles gradually increases friendship. It's especially useful for long-term grinding.
  • Healing berries: These not only cure HP or status conditions but also add a small boost to friendship. Collect as many as you can for a quick friendship boost.
3. Take Walks with Your Cobblemon

Simply having your Cobblemon walk beside you while you explore the world boosts its friendship. While it’s a slower method than others, it adds up over time, especially when paired with frequent battles and healing.

  • Walking bonus: Every step taken with your Cobblemon out in the world contributes to building a stronger bond.
  • Time spent together: The longer a Cobblemon stays in your active party, the faster it will build friendship, making this a good passive method.
4. Feed Friendship-Boosting Berries

In Cobblemon, certain berries are specifically designed to increase friendship levels quickly. While these berries may be rare, they offer a significant boost in friendship when used. Make sure to gather these berries whenever possible to speed up the process.

  • Types of berries: Look out for Soothe Berries and other friendship-boosting berries that provide a significant boost to your Cobblemon’s friendship.
5. Equip the Soothe Bell

The Soothe Bell is a powerful tool for boosting friendship. When your Cobblemon holds this item, all friendship gains from any source are doubled. This makes the Soothe Bell one of the most important items to use if you want to speed up the friendship-building process and evolve your Cobblemon faster.

  • Doubles friendship gains: Any activity that would normally increase friendship will have twice the effect with the Soothe Bell equipped.
  • Must be held: Make sure the Cobblemon you’re working to evolve is holding the Soothe Bell during battles, healing, and walking.
6. Avoid Negative Friendship Items

While some items and actions increase friendship, others can decrease it. One of the most common mistakes trainers make is using items like Revival Herbs, which restore HP or status conditions but drastically reduce friendship. If you’re aiming to evolve a Cobblemon via friendship, avoid using these items at all costs.

  • Revival Herbs: These herbs fully heal your Cobblemon but come with a steep penalty, reducing friendship by a significant amount.
  • Harsh training methods: Allowing your Cobblemon to faint or forcing it to battle against overwhelming odds can also lower friendship.

Cobblemon That Evolve Through Friendship

Some Cobblemon won’t evolve through leveling up alone and require a high friendship level to trigger their evolution. Below are some of the most notable Cobblemon that evolve through friendship:

  • TogepiTogetic: One of the classic friendship-based evolutions, Togepi requires a strong bond with its trainer to evolve into Togetic.
  • RioluLucario: Known for its powerful moves, Lucario is only obtainable by raising Riolu’s friendship to the required level.
  • EeveeEspeon/Umbreon: Depending on the time of day, Eevee will evolve into either Espeon or Umbreon when its friendship reaches the right threshold.
  • PichuPikachu: Pichu, the adorable pre-evolution of Pikachu, evolves through friendship into the iconic Pikachu.

Friendship and Battle Strategy

Evolving Cobblemon through friendship not only unlocks stronger forms but can also enhance their performance in battle. High friendship levels can lead to:

  • Increased critical hit chance: As friendship rises, some Cobblemon will land critical hits more frequently.
  • Dodging attacks: Cobblemon with high friendship may dodge more often, even against attacks that normally would hit.
  • Clutch survivability: Cobblemon that share a close bond with their trainers can sometimes survive hits that would otherwise knock them out.

This makes friendship-based evolutions and training particularly valuable for trainers focused on competitive multiplayer battles or difficult in-game challenges.


Building friendship with your Cobblemon is not only rewarding but essential for unlocking evolutions and gaining key in-battle advantages. By utilizing techniques like battling together, healing regularly, and equipping the Soothe Bell, you can maximize friendship efficiently. Avoid harmful items like Revival Herbs and focus on positive interactions to ensure your Cobblemon reaches its full potential.

Evolving friendship-based Cobblemon can take time, but with the right strategies in place, you’ll see results much faster. So, get out there, battle together, and enjoy the rewards of a strong bond with your Cobblemon!