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Jun 4, 2024

Pokémon EVs: How They Work

How Pokemon EVs Work?
How Pokemon EVs Work?

In the Pokémon universe, EVs, or Effort Values, are another essential aspect that determines a Pokémon's strength. In Cobblemon, just like in the main Pokémon games, EVs help shape your Pokémon's stats through training and battles. Let's explore what EVs are, how they work, and why they're important.

What Are EVs?

EVs are hidden stats that a Pokémon can gain through battling other Pokémon. Each Pokémon you defeat gives specific EVs, which contribute to increasing your Pokémon's stats. These EVs are spread across six different stats:

  1. HP (Hit Points): Increases the amount of damage a Pokémon can take.
  2. Attack: Boosts the power of physical moves.
  3. Defense: Enhances resistance to physical attacks.
  4. Special Attack: Increases the power of special moves.
  5. Special Defense: Improves resistance to special attacks.
  6. Speed: Affects the order of attacks during battles.

How Do EVs Work?

Every Pokémon can earn a total of 510 EVs, with a maximum of 252 EVs in a single stat. EVs are earned through battling and defeating wild Pokémon or other trainers' Pokémon. Each species of Pokémon you battle provides different EVs. For example, defeating a Zubat might give you Speed EVs, while a Machop might give you Attack EVs.

Here’s a breakdown of how EVs affect your Pokémon:

  • Training Focus: By focusing on battling specific Pokémon, you can train your Pokémon to be particularly strong in certain stats.
  • EV Spread: Trainers often plan their EV distribution, known as EV spread, to maximize a Pokémon's effectiveness in battle. For instance, a speedy attacker might have EVs distributed heavily in Speed and Attack.

Why Are EVs Important?

  1. Customized Training: EVs allow you to tailor your Pokémon’s stats according to your battle strategy.
  2. Battle Performance: Properly distributed EVs can significantly enhance your Pokémon's performance in battles.
  3. Competitive Edge: In competitive play, understanding and optimizing EVs can give you an edge over opponents.
  4. Strategic Depth: EV training adds an extra layer of strategy to the game, making battles more engaging.

How Can You Check and Train EVs in Cobblemon?

In Cobblemon, you can check your Pokémon's EVs using specific commands or items. To train EVs effectively:

  1. Battle Wisely: Choose battles against Pokémon that give the EVs you want.
  2. Use Items: Certain items, like vitamins, can increase specific EVs.
  3. Berries: Some berries can lower EVs in specific stats, allowing you to redistribute them if needed.


EVs are a critical part of understanding and optimizing your Pokémon's potential in Cobblemon. By knowing what EVs are, how they work, and why they're important, you can better strategize your gameplay and build stronger teams. Whether you're battling other trainers or exploring the world of Cobblemon, having a well-trained team with optimized EVs can make a significant difference in your success.

Happy training, and may your Pokémon become the best they can be!