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Jun 4, 2024

Starter Pokemon Guides: Bulbasaur

Pokemon Bulbasaur Guide
Pokemon Bulbasaur Guide


Bulbasaur, the Grass/Poison-type starter Pokemon, is a beloved choice for many trainers. In Cobblemon, Bulbasaur is a powerful Pokemon with a wide range of attacks and impressive stats. This guide will cover everything you need to know about Bulbasaur and its evolutions in Cobblemon.

Bulbasaur (Grass/Poison) - #0001


  • Overgrow: Increases Grass-type moves' power by 1.5x when the Pokemon is at low HP.
  • Chlorophyll: Doubles the Pokemon's Speed stat in sunlight.

EV Yield:

  • Sp. Atk: 1

Dropped Items:

  • Melon Seeds: 100% chance, 0-1 quantity
  • Miracle Seed: 5% chance, 1 quantity

Base Stats:

  • HP: 45
  • Attack: 49
  • Defense: 49
  • Sp. Atk: 65
  • Sp. Def: 65
  • Speed: 45

Spawning Locations:

Bulbasaur spawns in jungle and tropical island biomes, with a ultra-rare bucket spawning rate. You can find it between levels 5-32.

Leveling Moves:

3Vine WhipGrassPhysical4510025
9Leech SeedGrassStatus09010
12Razor LeafGrassPhysical559525
15Poison PowderPoisonStatus07535
15Sleep PowderGrassStatus07515
18Seed BombGrassPhysical8010015
21Take DownNormalPhysical908520
24Sweet ScentNormalStatus010020
30Worry SeedGrassStatus010010
36Solar BeamGrassSpecial12010010

Ivysaur (Grass/Poison) - #0002


  • Overgrow: Increases Grass-type moves' power by 1.5x when the Pokemon is at low HP.
  • Chlorophyll: Doubles the Pokemon's Speed stat in sunlight.

EV Yield:

  • Sp. Atk: 1
  • Sp. Def: 1

Dropped Items:

  • Melon Seeds: 100% chance, 0-2 quantity
  • Miracle Seed: 10% chance, 1 quantity

Base Stats:

  • HP: 60
  • Attack: 62
  • Defense: 63
  • Sp. Atk: 80
  • Sp. Def: 80
  • Speed: 60

Spawning Locations:

Ivysaur spawns in jungle and tropical island biomes, with a ultra-rare bucket spawning rate. You can find it between levels 16-40.

Leveling Moves:

  • Same moves as Bulbasaur, but levels are higher.

Venusaur (Grass/Poison) - #0003


  • Overgrow: Increases Grass-type moves' power by 1.5x when the Pokemon is at low HP.
  • Chlorophyll: Doubles the Pokemon's Speed stat in sunlight.

EV Yield:

  • Sp. Atk: 2
  • Sp. Def: 1

Dropped Items:

  • Wheat Seeds: 100% chance, 1 quantity
  • Coba Berry: 3% chance, 1 quantity

Base Stats:

  • HP: 80
  • Attack: 82
  • Defense: 83
  • Sp. Atk: 100
  • Sp. Def: 100
  • Speed: 80

Spawning Locations:

Venusaur spawns in jungle and tropical island biomes, with a ultra-rare bucket spawning rate. You can find it between levels 32-52.

Leveling Moves:

1Vine WhipGrassPhysical4510025
1Petal DanceGrassSpecial12010010
9Leech SeedGrassStatus09010
12Razor LeafGrassPhysical559525
15Poison PowderPoisonStatus07535
15Sleep PowderGrassStatus07515
20Seed BombGrassPhysical8010015
25Take DownNormalPhysical908520
30Sweet ScentNormalStatus010020
44Worry SeedGrassStatus010010
50Petal BlizzardGrassPhysical9010015
58Solar BeamGrassSpecial12010010

Strategy Tips:

  • Overgrow: Use Bulbasaur's Overgrow ability to your advantage. Use powerful Grass-type moves like Solar Beam or Petal Dance when Bulbasaur is at low HP.
  • Chlorophyll: In sunny conditions, Venusaur can reach incredible speeds with its Chlorophyll ability.
  • Special Attacker: Bulbasaur and its evolutions are strong Special Attackers. Focus on leveling up their Sp. Atk stat and using strong Special attacks.
  • Grass-type Coverage: Learn a variety of Grass-type moves for strong coverage against common Pokemon types like Water and Ground.


Bulbasaur and its evolutions are powerful and versatile Pokemon in Cobblemon. Their Grass and Poison typing offers excellent coverage, and their high Special Attack stat makes them a threat to many opponents. By utilizing their abilities and learning powerful moves, you can create an unforgettable team member that can help you dominate the Cobblemon world.