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Jun 4, 2024

Starter Pokemon Guides: Squirtle

Squirtle Pokemon
Squirtle Pokemon

Squirtle, the Water-type starter Pokemon, is a classic choice for many trainers. In Cobblemon, Squirtle is a powerful defensive Pokemon with great speed and special defense. This guide will cover everything you need to know about Squirtle and its evolutions in Cobblemon.

Squirtle (Water) - #0007


  • Torrent: Increases Water-type moves' power by 1.5x when the Pokemon is at low HP.
  • Rain Dish: Slowly restores HP in rainy weather.

EV Yield:

  • Defense: 1

Dropped Items:

  • Scute: 100% chance, 0-1 quantity
  • Mystic Water: 5% chance, 1 quantity

Base Stats:

  • HP: 44
  • Attack: 48
  • Defense: 65
  • Sp. Atk: 50
  • Sp. Def: 64
  • Speed: 43

Spawning Locations:

Squirtle spawns in river biomes and as a natural spawn in all biomes, with a ultra-rare bucket spawning rate. You can find it between levels 5-31.

Leveling Moves:

1Tail WhipNormalStatus010030
3Water GunWaterSpecial4010025
9Rapid SpinNormalPhysical5010040
15Water PulseWaterSpecial6010020
21Rain DanceWaterStatus01005
24Aqua TailWaterPhysical909010
27Shell SmashNormalStatus010015
30Iron DefenseSteelStatus010015
33Hydro PumpWaterSpecial110805
36Skull BashNormalPhysical13010010

Wartortle (Water) - #0008


  • Torrent: Increases Water-type moves' power by 1.5x when the Pokemon is at low HP.
  • Rain Dish: Slowly restores HP in rainy weather.

EV Yield:

  • Defense: 1
  • Sp. Def: 1

Dropped Items:

  • Scute: 100% chance, 0-2 quantity
  • Mystic Water: 10% chance, 1 quantity

Base Stats:

  • HP: 59
  • Attack: 63
  • Defense: 80
  • Sp. Atk: 65
  • Sp. Def: 80
  • Speed: 58

Spawning Locations:

Wartortle spawns in river biomes and as a natural spawn in all biomes, with a ultra-rare bucket spawning rate. You can find it between levels 16-40.

Leveling Moves:

  • Same moves as Squirtle, but levels are higher.

Blastoise (Water) - #0009


  • Torrent: Increases Water-type moves' power by 1.5x when the Pokemon is at low HP.
  • Rain Dish: Slowly restores HP in rainy weather.

EV Yield:

  • Sp. Def: 3

Dropped Items:

  • Scute: 100% chance, 0-3 quantity
  • Mystic Water: 25% chance, 1 quantity

Base Stats:

  • HP: 79
  • Attack: 83
  • Defense: 100
  • Sp. Atk: 85
  • Sp. Def: 105
  • Speed: 78

Spawning Locations:

Blastoise spawns in river biomes and as a natural spawn in all biomes, with an ultra-rare bucket spawning rate. You can find it between levels 36-53.

Leveling Moves:

1Tail WhipNormalStatus010030
1Water GunWaterSpecial4010025
1Flash CannonSteelSpecial8010010
9Rapid SpinNormalPhysical5010040
15Water PulseWaterSpecial6010020
25Rain DanceWaterStatus01005
30Aqua TailWaterPhysical909010
35Shell SmashNormalStatus010015
42Iron DefenseSteelStatus010015
49Hydro PumpWaterSpecial110805
56Skull BashNormalPhysical13010010

Strategy Tips:

  • Torrent: Use Squirtle's Torrent ability to your advantage. Use powerful Water-type moves like Hydro Pump or Aqua Tail when Squirtle is at low HP.
  • Rain Dish: In rainy weather, Blastoise can regain HP slowly. Use this to your advantage in long battles or to heal from minor damage.
  • Defensive Tank: Squirtle and its evolutions are durable Pokemon with high Defense and Special Defense. Utilize their defensive strengths to tank attacks and last longer in battles.
  • Water-type Coverage: Learn a variety of Water-type moves for strong coverage against common Pokemon types like Fire, Ground, and Rock.


Squirtle and its evolutions are strong defensive Pokemon in Cobblemon. Their Water typing offers excellent coverage, and their high Defense and Special Defense stats make them hard to take down. By utilizing their abilities and learning powerful moves, you can create a formidable team member that can help you win battles and conquer the Cobblemon world.