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Jun 4, 2024

Starter Pokemon Guides: Charmander

Starter Pokemon Charmander
Starter Pokemon Charmander

The Charmander line is a classic in the Pokémon world, and Cobblemon is no exception. These creatures are the perfect force in the early to mid-game, offering a powerful combination of speed and fire-type attacks. Here's a guide to help you understand how to use them effectively.

Charmander (Lv 5-31): The Starter

  • Abilities: Blaze (boosts fire-type attacks when HP is low), Solar Power (boosts special attacks in sunlight)
  • Spawning: Found in volcanic and hilly biomes, during the day and without rain. You can also find it in Ultra-rare buckets.
  • Moves:
    • Early: Growl, Scratch, Ember, Smokescreen
    • Later: Dragon Breath, Metal Claw, Dragon Rage, Fire Fang, Rage, Slash, Flamethrower, Flame Burst, Scary Face, Fire Spin, Inferno, Flare Blitz
  • Strategy: Charmander's early game focuses on fast attacks with Ember and Scratch, paired with Growl for defense. As it levels up, learn powerful special attacks like Flamethrower and Fire Spin to take advantage of its high special attack stat. Its physical attacks are still effective, so use them when needed.
  • Strengths: High speed for countering opponents, and dealing powerful fire-type attacks.
  • Weaknesses: Vulnerable to water, ground, rock, and dragon types.

Charmeleon (Lv 16-40): The Flame

  • Abilities: Same as Charmander. (Blaze (boosts fire-type attacks when HP is low), Solar Power (boosts special attacks in sunlight))
  • Spawning: Similar to Charmander, found in volcanic and hilly biomes. You can also find it in Ultra-rare buckets.
  • Moves:
    • Early: Ember, Growl, Scratch, Smokescreen
    • Later: Dragon Breath, Metal Claw, Dragon Rage, Fire Fang, Rage, Slash, Flamethrower, Flame Burst, Scary Face, Fire Spin, Inferno, Flare Blitz
  • Strategy: Charmeleon maintains its focus on speed and strong fire-type attacks. Its increased stats make it a valuable mid-game attacker. It excels at taking down opponents with its powerful special moves.
  • Strengths: Increased stats, higher base Sp. Atk for stronger fire attacks, maintains high speed.
  • Weaknesses: Same weaknesses as Charmander, although its increased stats make it more resilient.

Charizard (Lv 36-53): The Inferno

  • Abilities: Same as Charmander. (Blaze (boosts fire-type attacks when HP is low), Solar Power (boosts special attacks in sunlight))
  • Spawning: Similar to previous stages, found in volcanic and hilly biomes. You can also find it in Ultra-rare buckets.
  • Moves:
    • Early: Air Slash, Dragon Claw, Ember, Growl, Heat Wave, Metal Claw, Scratch, Shadow Claw, Smokescreen, Wing Attack
    • Later: Dragon Breath, Dragon Rage, Fire Fang, Rage, Slash, Flamethrower, Flame Burst, Scary Face, Fire Spin, Inferno, Flare Blitz
  • Strategy: Charizard finally evolves into a flying type, granting it a new set of advantages. It can now learn powerful flying moves like Air Slash and Wing Attack. While its physical attacks are still viable, its high Sp. Atk stat makes it ideal for special moves. Utilize strong fire attacks like Flamethrower and Heat Wave, and leverage its aerial mobility to evade attacks.
  • Strengths: Powerful fire-type attacks, excellent Sp. Atk stat, learns both flying and fire moves, gains the Flying type for increased maneuverability and coverage.
  • Weaknesses: Same weaknesses as previous stages, with the added vulnerability to electric attacks.

Overall, the Charmander line offers a valuable and consistent progression through the early to mid-game. Each stage brings new strengths and strategies, making them a powerful choice for any trainer seeking a strong fire-type.