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Sep 11, 2024

The Best Held Items and Training Locations for Cobblemon EV

The Best Held Items and Training Locations for Cobblemon EV
The Best Held Items and Training Locations for Cobblemon EV

EV (Effort Value) training is one of the core mechanics in Cobblemon that separates an average team from a truly competitive one. By focusing on EVs, you can boost your Cobblemon’s stats in key areas, making them faster, stronger, or more durable in battle. Whether you’re looking to gain an edge in multiplayer battles or simply want to optimize your team for in-game challenges, understanding EV training is essential.

This comprehensive guide will explain what EVs are, how to train your Cobblemon to maximize their EVs, the best held items to boost your efficiency, and the optimal locations to train each stat.

What Are EVs?

EVs (Effort Values) are hidden values that contribute to your Cobblemon's stat growth. Every time you defeat a Cobblemon, your own Cobblemon gains EVs in specific stats, depending on the defeated Cobblemon’s type. The six stats that EVs can improve are:

  • HP: Boosts total hit points.
  • Attack: Increases physical move damage.
  • Defense: Strengthens physical resistance.
  • Special Attack: Increases the power of special moves.
  • Special Defense: Enhances resistance to special attacks.
  • Speed: Determines turn order in battles.

Each Cobblemon can gain a total of 510 EVs, with a cap of 252 EVs per stat. This system allows for strategic customization, as you can choose to focus on two stats, maxing them out while leaving room for a third, lesser-boosted stat.

For example, if you have a speedy attacker like Jolteon, you might prioritize Speed and Special Attack, while adding a few leftover EVs into HP for a bit more durability.

The Importance of EV Training

Why go through the effort of EV training? Well, a well-trained Cobblemon with optimal EVs can easily outperform an untrained Cobblemon of the same level. EVs provide a significant competitive edge, especially in multiplayer battles or when facing more difficult opponents. Training your Cobblemon with the right EVs allows you to tailor your team’s strengths to suit your preferred playstyle.

For instance, a Cobblemon with maxed out Speed will likely attack first in battle, giving you the upper hand. Alternatively, Cobblemon with boosted Defense and HP can tank more hits, helping them survive longer and turn the tide of drawn-out battles.

The Best Held Items for EV Training

To maximize EV gains efficiently, held items are key. Certain items increase the number of EVs your Cobblemon gains after each battle, allowing you to focus on a specific stat or make the entire process faster. Here are the top held items that every EV trainer should use:

  1. Power Bracer
    • Effect: Grants an additional 8 EVs in Attack per battle.
    • Use Case: Best for Cobblemon with strong physical attacks, like Machamp, Garchomp, or Lucario. This ensures you can max out Attack EVs quickly, making them deadly on the battlefield.
  2. Power Belt
    • Effect: Grants an additional 8 EVs in Defense per battle.
    • Use Case: Ideal for Cobblemon that rely on physical durability, such as Steelix, Skarmory, or Toxapex. Maxing out defense EVs turns these Cobblemon into nearly impenetrable walls.
  3. Power Lens
    • Effect: Grants an additional 8 EVs in Special Attack per battle.
    • Use Case: For Cobblemon that utilize special moves, like Alakazam, Jolteon, or Gardevoir, this item helps you quickly build up their Special Attack stat, making their special moves hit even harder.
  4. Power Band
    • Effect: Grants an additional 8 EVs in Special Defense per battle.
    • Use Case: Cobblemon that need to absorb special attacks, such as Blissey, Mantine, or Togekiss, benefit from increased Special Defense EVs. This is perfect for surviving against powerful special attackers like Charizard or Hydreigon.
  5. Power Anklet
    • Effect: Grants an additional 8 EVs in Speed per battle.
    • Use Case: Best used on speedy Cobblemon such as Crobat, Garchomp, or Dragapult. Speed is one of the most crucial stats in battle, and raising it ensures your Cobblemon can strike first.
  6. Macho Brace
    • Effect: Doubles the amount of EVs gained after each battle.
    • Use Case: Great for general EV training when you're working on multiple stats at once. While it doesn't target a specific stat, it helps you rack up EVs faster overall, making it efficient for quick training sessions.
  7. Vitamins
    • Items like Protein (Attack EVs), Carbos (Speed EVs), and Calcium (Special Attack EVs) provide an instant boost of 10 EVs to a specific stat. However, they can only boost up to 100 EVs in each stat.
    • Use Case: These are best for saving time in the early stages of EV training, giving your Cobblemon an early lead in their stat development.

Top EV Training Locations in Cobblemon

To maximize your EV training sessions, you need to know where to find Cobblemon that consistently provide the specific EVs you’re targeting. Here are some of the best biomes and locations for each stat:

HP EV Training

  • Location: Swamp Biomes
    • Cobblemon: Wooper, Gastrodon, and Quagsire give HP EVs. Swamp biomes are abundant with these Cobblemon, making them an excellent choice for boosting your Cobblemon’s health.

Attack EV Training

  • Location: Savannah Biomes
    • Cobblemon: Machop, Mankey, and Diglett are common in Savannahs and give Attack EVs. These biomes are perfect for training physical attackers like Garchomp or Infernape.

Defense EV Training

  • Location: Mountainous Biomes
    • Cobblemon: Geodude, Onix, and Steelix inhabit mountainous areas and provide Defense EVs. This is a great spot for bulking up your physical defense.

Special Attack EV Training

  • Location: Desert Biomes
    • Cobblemon: Numel, Cacnea, and Baltoy offer Special Attack EVs. Special attackers like Alakazam or Espeon will benefit greatly from training here.

Special Defense EV Training

  • Location: Beach and Coastal Biomes
    • Cobblemon: Tentacool, Spheal, and Mantine are abundant in beach biomes and give Special Defense EVs. Use this area to build your special tanks.

Speed EV Training

  • Location: Plains and Savannah Biomes
    • Cobblemon: Rattata, Pidgey, and Ponyta are great for Speed EVs. Fast Cobblemon like Jolteon or Gengar can max out their speed here efficiently.

Maximizing Efficiency in EV Training

Efficient EV training is all about saving time while still getting the best results. Here are some expert tips to make your EV training sessions even more effective:

  1. Stack Held Items and Vitamins: Use Power items to stack as many EVs as possible per battle. Combined with a few vitamins, you can reach the EV cap in record time.
  2. Use the EV Training Hotspots: Don’t waste time in areas with random EV distributions. Always head to the biomes mentioned above where you can reliably farm the EVs you need.
  3. Train Against Weak Cobblemon: Focus on defeating Cobblemon that are easier to knock out. This allows you to chain battles faster, racking up EVs without having to waste time on healing or lengthy battles.
  4. Monitor Your EVs: Use plugins, tools, or in-game commands (if available) to track your Cobblemon’s EVs. This helps ensure you’re not wasting time maxing out the wrong stats or overtraining.
  5. Multitask with Pokerus: If your Cobblemon contracts the rare Pokerus, their EV gains will double. It’s one of the rarest yet most effective ways to boost your EV training progress.

Why EV Training Matters in Multiplayer Battles

In competitive multiplayer, having EV-trained Cobblemon gives you a distinct edge. Each EV adds to your Cobblemon’s stats, making them stronger, faster, or more durable. This allows you to create teams that are specifically designed to counter certain threats or exploit common weaknesses.

Imagine a Togekiss with maxed out Speed and Special Attack EVs, capable of flinching opponents with Air Slash before they even get a turn. Or a Garchomp with maxed Attack and Speed, able to outspeed and knock out foes before they have a chance to retaliate. These small adjustments, gained through EV training, can be the difference between victory and defeat.


Mastering EV training is crucial to becoming a competitive Cobblemon trainer. By using the right held items, targeting the best training locations, and employing efficient strategies, you can maximize your Cobblemon’s potential. Whether you’re looking to build a speedy attacker, a bulky defender, or an all-around powerhouse, EV training is the key to creating a well-rounded, formidable team.

Now that you know the best strategies for EV training, which stats will you prioritize for your Cobblemon?