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Jun 1, 2024

Understanding Pokémon IVs

How Pokémon IV works
How Pokémon IV works

In the world of Pokémon, IVs, or Individual Values, are a crucial aspect that determines a Pokémon's potential. In Cobblemon, just like in the main Pokémon games, IVs play an essential role in shaping how strong your Pokémon can become. Let's dive into what IVs are, how they work, and why their maximum value is 186.

What Are IVs?

IVs are hidden stats that each Pokémon has, which affect their overall performance in battles. Think of them as a Pokémon's genes, determining how good they are in different areas. Each Pokémon has six IVs, one for each of the following stats:

  1. HP (Hit Points): Determines how much damage a Pokémon can take before fainting.
  2. Attack: Influences the power of physical moves.
  3. Defense: Affects how well a Pokémon can withstand physical attacks.
  4. Special Attack: Influences the power of special moves.
  5. Special Defense: Affects how well a Pokémon can withstand special attacks.
  6. Speed: Determines how fast a Pokémon can act in battle.

How Do IVs Work?

Each of these six stats has an IV value that ranges from 0 to 31. The higher the IV, the better the Pokémon will be in that particular stat. For example, a Pokémon with a Speed IV of 31 will be faster than one with a Speed IV of 10, assuming other conditions are the same.

IVs are determined when you first encounter or hatch a Pokémon. They are randomly assigned and cannot be changed, which means each Pokémon is unique in terms of its IVs. Trainers often seek Pokémon with high IVs to ensure their teams are as strong as possible.

Why Is the Maximum IV Total 186?

If you add up the maximum IV values for all six stats (31 IVs per stat), the total comes to 186 (31 x 6 = 186). This number represents the best possible genetic potential a Pokémon can have across all its stats.

In Cobblemon, as in the main series games, trainers often aim to catch or breed Pokémon with high IVs to build the most powerful teams. A Pokémon with a total IV of 186 is considered perfect.

Why Are IVs Important?

  1. Battle Performance: Higher IVs mean better stats, leading to stronger performance in battles.
  2. Breeding: Pokémon with high IVs are used to breed offspring with potentially better stats. (This section is not enabled in Cobblemon yet, but will be added soon)
  3. Competitive Play: In competitive battling, having Pokémon with high IVs is essential to be competitive. (Imagine a legendary Zapdos with 31 sp. atk and 31 sp. def, it would be huge)
  4. Pride and Achievement: Catching or breeding a Pokémon with high IVs is a point of pride for many trainers.

How Can You Check IVs in Cobblemon?

In CobblemonGG, you can check your Pokémon's IVs using /pokedex command or by opening the auction page and checking your Pokémon from there. Knowing your Pokémon's IVs can help you decide which ones to focus on and train for battles.

IVs are a fundamental part of understanding and maximizing your Pokémon's potential in Cobblemon. By knowing what IVs are, how they work, and why their maximum value is 186, you can better strategize your gameplay and build stronger teams. Whether you are battling other trainers or just exploring the world of Cobblemon, having Pokémon with high IVs can make a significant difference in your success.

Happy training, and may you catch the perfect Pokémon!